WADE BOWMAN for County Surveyor


Why did you want to run for this office?

To give the voters a choice in November. I believe in giving back to the community and making Corydon a great place to call home.

What strengths can you bring to this job?

I will bring my personal honesty and integrity to the job, as I do with any role I take on to better my hometown.

What changes would you like our county to make?

Iā€™d love for Harrison County to provide more economic opportunities and recreational activities for the residents and visitors.

Tell us a little about yourself.

  • CCHS graduate and resident of Harrison County for 34 years

  • Bachelor of Science in Organizational Leadership and Supervision from Purdue

  • Sit on Board of Directors for Mainstreet Corydon 

  • Volunteer work in the community regularly (keep Corydon clean, HCCF, community meal, light up Corydon, various festivals, etc.)

  • Husband of an amazing Physical Therapist in Corydon and father of 2 wonderful young girls

  • Working class family upbringing, blue collar / union worker all my life